Assessment Approve report on {{$today}}

{{-- --}} {{-- --}} {{-- --}} {{-- --}} {{-- --}} @php $i = 0; @endphp @foreach($report as $key) {{-- --}} {{-- --}} {{-- --}} @endforeach
Sl no. CMIS Batch Code Batch start Date Batch End Date CMIS Student ID Student Name Requestor Name & Employee Id Requestor Type(Captured by the system) Assessment Scheduled Date (Selected by the Requestor) Assessment Eligibility Request Date (System Captured Date & Time) AE SPOC Name & Employee ID (Who took action) Eligiblity Status Selected by the AE SPOC System captured (Date & Time) by AE SPOC Assessment Platform Selected by the AE SPOCE-mail IdCenter CodeCenter LocationId Type Id NumberCourse Code
{{ ++$i }} {{ $key->batch_code }} {{ $key->batch_start_date }} {{ $key->batch_end_date }} {{ $key->student_id }} {{ $key->student_name}} {{$key->trainer_name}} {{$key->captured_type}} {{$key->schedule_date}} {{$key->requested_date}} {{$key->approve_by}} {{$key->approve_status}} {{$key->captured_date}} {{$key->assessment_type}}{{ $key->email_id }} {{ $key->short_code }} {{ $key->state }} - {{ $key->district }}{{ $key->doc_type }} {{ $key->identity_no }}{{ $key->alias }}