Receipt No : {{$receipt_no}} | Date of Issue : {{$date}} |
Dear Sir/Ma’am,
Thank you for your donation and support. The detail of your donation is mentioned below:
Donor's Name : | {{$student_info['student_name']}} |
Donor's Code : | {{$student_info['cmis_id']}} |
Donor's ID : | {{$student_info['identity_no']}} |
Donor's ID Proof : | {{$student_info['doc_type']}} |
Donor's Address : | {{$student_info['p_address']}}, {{$student_info['district']}}, {{$student_info['state']}}, {{$student_info['p_pincode']}} |
Donation Type : | Other |
Amount (INR) : | {{$amount['digit']}} |
Amount in words : | Rupees {{$amount['word']}} Only |
Donee Name : | Anudip Foundation For Social Welfare |
Donee PAN : | AAGCA3551K |
Donee Address : | Mira Towers, 8th & 9th Floor, DN-27, Sector V, Salt Lake City, Bidhannagar, Kolkata-700091, INDIA, Tel: +91 33 2357 7406 |
Donations will be reported in Form No 10BD for 80G exemption subject to PAN (Permanent Account Number) availability of the donor as required under Form No 10BD.
This is a system generated receipt. No signature is required.