Donation Receipt

Receipt No : {{$receipt_no}} Date of Issue : {{$date}}

Dear Sir/Ma’am,
Thank you for your donation and support. The detail of your donation is mentioned below:

Donor's Name : {{$student_info['student_name']}}
Donor's Code : {{$student_info['cmis_id']}}
Donor's ID : {{$student_info['identity_no']}}
Donor's ID Proof : {{$student_info['doc_type']}}
Donor's Address : {{$student_info['p_address']}}, {{$student_info['district']}}, {{$student_info['state']}}, {{$student_info['p_pincode']}}
Donation Type : Other
Amount (INR) : {{$amount['digit']}}
Amount in words : Rupees {{$amount['word']}} Only
Donee Name : Anudip Foundation For Social Welfare
Donee PAN : AAGCA3551K
Donee Address : Mira Towers, 8th & 9th Floor, DN-27, Sector V, Salt Lake City, Bidhannagar, Kolkata-700091, INDIA, Tel: +91 33 2357 7406

Donations will be reported in Form No 10BD for 80G exemption subject to PAN (Permanent Account Number) availability of the donor as required under Form No 10BD.

This is a system generated receipt. No signature is required.